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Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Deliver?
Yes, We Deliver to Select Areas. We May Deliver Out of Service Area Additional Fees May Apply
Do you sell erosion control blankets?
What is the charge for delivery for 1 ton of small rock?
We Currently Have a 10/Ton minimum For Delivery.
Can I purchase two five gallons buckets of crushed granite?
Currently No. But In The Future Yes! We Currently We Have no Physical Store Locations.
Do you have decorative boulders?
Yes We Do. Sizes And Delivers May Very.
How do I obtain a price list?
Please Create An Account And Go To Product You Are Interested In.
Do you have 200 sq ft of native blended 3pcs pavers available? Cost?
Please Check Product List. All Our Product Listing Show Stock Availability.
Do you guys sell irrigation equipment.
No Arizona Sand And Gravel Currently Doesn't. In The Future We Will Be.
Do you have rye grass seed
No We Currently Don't. Please Check Back In The Future.
Do you carry sod?
Yes We Carry Sod. We Don't Store Sod At Our Store Locations. Orders Will Have To Be Placed In Advanced.
Do you have railroad ties and what's the length
Unfortunately Arizona Sand And Gravel Currently Doesn't. Please Check Back In The Future.
Do you carry dirt for flowerbeds
Yes Arizona Sand And Gravel Does. Please View Is Soils Category.
What size river rock do you have and what colors
Arizona Sand And Gravel Does Carry River Rock. Please View Our Product Page. Products > Landscaping-Rock > River-Rock Colors May Very.
Do you Deliver deliver boulders?
Yes. Arizona Sand And Gravel Does Deliver Boulders. Delivery Fee May Apply.
Do you deliver rocks on Saturday?
Yes. Arizona Sand And Gravel Delivers On Saturdays. Products May Be Limited Only On Saturdays
Do You Have Materials For Garden Soil.
Yes. Arizona Sand And Gravel Does Carry Materials For Gardens. Please Look Under Soil Products.
Do you guys accept leftover dirt?
Currently We Don't Have Store Locations Yet. But We Will In The Future Please Give Us A Call And Double Check
Why is it called ‘minus’?
Because ‘marketing’! The opposite of clean rock would be dirty rock, and no one wants to buy a material called ‘dirty rock’! Also, because crush rocked is measured in inches, and there is no way you could measure the dust particles, you could consider fines as ‘negative’ or ‘less than’ when compared to an inch.
How is it made?
Crushed rock (also known as gravel) is made by blast-mining. Basically, a geological survey is done to see what type of rock is in a mountain (or hill), and if desirable, miners will drill holes, place dynamite in said holes, and then blow off a small section of the mountain. The explosion breaks off a lot of rock, in very large pieces. These pieces are then taken, placed in a crusher, and then crushed. The resulting crushed rock then gets filtered into various sizes, such as 1/4 inch, 1 1/4 inch, 2 inch etc. Then, at this point the ‘minus’ rock would be ready to go, but the rock that will be turned into ‘cleaned’ rock would need one more step to wash off all the dust.
What is minus and clean rock used for?
Clean rock is often used for aesthetic purposes, when replacing turf, or mulch in making a ‘xeriscape’ (low water consumption) landscape. If you want to have large patches of space on your landscape that will not be walked on and won’t have turf, you’ll want to use crushed clean rock. Scatter some boulders, and some low-water native plants and you’ll have a proper xeriscaped space. Clean rock is also used to surround drainage areas and for water filtration, as it still lets water flow through, but does effectively slow it down. Retention basins often used crushed clean rock. Clean rock can also be used in conjunction with minus when building driveways. The clean is the bottom layer, to create stability, and then with minus rock as a top layer, to fill in all the cracks and provide a smoother driving surface. You can make a driveway with JUST the clean rock, but it might be a bit bumpy, and hard on your tires. Minus can be used by itself for hiking trails and garden paths. These surfaces only need to bare the weight of foot traffic, so it is not essential that they are reinforced with large clean rocks as a foundation (but you certainly can if you want, it just costs more money but does end up lasting longer). Keep in mind, when using minus as a walkway, the dust on these will track on your shoes, therefore home owners should keep that in mind if using them in their backyard.

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Arizona Sand and Gravel is committed to delivering superior materials and service, enriching outdoor environments through sustainable solutions that inspire creativity and shape vibrant spaces.

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